Fitur-fitur utama di software ini:
* Create an archive
* Add files to an existing archive
* Delete files from an existing archive
* Extract files from an existing archive
* Test an archive file
* Convert archive
* Convert CD Images
* Repair broken archive
* Searching for any files in many archives
* Favorite Folders
* Obtaining a detailed list of files and information like compression rate, path, or size from an archive file
* Supports both long and short 8.3 filenames
* Disk spanning from and to multiple diskettes or other removable media
* Implementing the possibility to sort the list items by name size, date and etc.
* Full Drag & Drop support
* CD/DVD Images support (ISO, BIN, MDF, NRG, IMG, C2D, PDI, CDI)
* Integrating in Windows Explorer context menu
* Automatic installation of most software distributed in archive files
* Add/View comments in an archive
* By double-clicking onto a file in the file list, it's opened with the program associated to this file type
* CheckOut feature
* Create a self-extracting archive
* E-mail an archive
* Checking for new updates
* Build-in multilanguage support
* Virus Scan feature
* UU/XX/MIME Encode/Decode
* Create Multi-Volume Set
* Merge Multi-Volume Set
* UnSFX (Convert self-extracting (SFX) .EXE files to standard archives)
* Encrypt files using Rijandael - AES (256-bits) encryption
* Zip encryption (WinZip 9 compatible)
* BZip compression for ZIP archives
* Decrypt (.ize) files
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